1. Is it safe to buy on this website?

Yes. Our platform is Shopify and we work with international payment gateways that are 100% reliable like Paypal and Mercado Pago.

2. Is there a return policy?

As our products are digital, no type of return, exchange or refund is accepted.

3. What do I receive when I make the purchase?

A PDF downloadable file that you can use 1) Physically (recommended): you print the pages and fill them out by hand. 2) Digitally: using a PDF editing program or application such as Good Notes*. *The file is not interactive.

4. How do I download the file?

Once the payment has been completed correctly, you can start the download directly from our website, you will also receive an email (to the email address you added when placing the order) with the file you purchased ready to download.

You will only have to download and print or import it into the compatible app you have.

5. When will I receive the file?

The download is immediate upon completion of your purchase, so you can download, print and start filling out in less than 5 minutes!

6. Do I need a special printer?

No. A standard printer will work fine.

7. What is the printable size?

All our books are designed in half-letter size which is 5.5 x 8.5 in (14 x 21.6 cm). However, once downloaded you can configure the scale printing preferences according to your needs.

We are gradually adding other sizes such as A5 and A6. In the printing guide you’ll find a comparison chart of the sizes.

8. How can I print the file?

It is very easy and intuitive. Take a look at the printing guide.

9. Do I need half-letter sheets to print?

No. You can print 2 pages on a letter-sized sheet, and then cut it exactly in half. Take a look at the printing guide.

10. Can I print the file on a letter-sized sheet?

Yes. You can configure the scale printing preferences according to your needs.

11. Where can I get the half-letter-sized sheets?

You can make them yourself! You just have to cut a letter-sized sheet (21.6 X 28 cm) exactly in half with the help of scissors or cutter, so that you have 2 sheets of 14 x 21.6 cm. You can also order them in Amazon, or you can ask in stationery stores.

12. Do I need “special” paper to print?

It depends on your preferences. “Normal” paper sheets have a specification of 75 g/m2, if you want a higher quality you can opt for a thicker 90 g/m2 paper or higher, special to print and write on both sides.

13. Do I need color ink to print?

No, you can print only with black ink or in grayscale.

14. Do I need a special ring binder to put my sheets in?

Since the print size is half letter, we recommend a special ring binder for this size. A5 size is compatible too (it has a slight variation in millimeters but it works very well!)

15. How do I punch my sheets?

It depends on the ring binder you have. Generally, half letter binders have 3 rings but A5 have 6 rings. It will depend on the model of binder you have, but don't worry because either of these 2 sizes is compatible with our print design. We recommend that you first check the rings on your binder, before punching.

16. Is it mandatory to punch the sheets?

No! You can also staple them, bind them like a real book, or just use the sheets individually.

17. Your question is not here?

Write to us on Instagram @wayfarer.academy or in the contact form.